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Are you planning Prepare DELE A1 Exam? If yes, then you have come to the right place! The DELE A1 Exam is a Spanish language proficiency exam that is highly respected and globally recognized. This certification opens up a lot of opportunities for you.

The DELE A1 Exam is divided into four sections: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. You will be evaluated on your knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. It is important to note that the DELE A1 Exam is not easy and you will need to put in a lot of effort and time to prepare for it.

In this article, we will be discussing 10 proven tips to ace your DELE A1 Exam. Let’s get started!

Benefits of Passing the DELE A1 Exam

Passing the DELE A1 Exam is beneficial in many ways. Firstly, it proves that you have a good understanding of Spanish and can communicate effectively in the language in basic conversations. This is the door to end up mastering your Spanish, and can open up a lot of job opportunities for you in the Spanish-speaking world. It can also help you to gain admission into universities and other educational institutions.

Furthermore, the DELE A1 Exam is a great way to assess your current level of Spanish and to track your progress. It can also help you to stay motivated and to stay on track with your Spanish learning journey.

10 Proven Tips to Ace Your DELE A1 Exam

Now that we have discussed the importance of the DELE A1 Exam, let’s take a look at 10 proven tips to ace your DELE A1 Exam.

1. Prepare Ahead of Time

The first and most important tip is to plan ahead and prepare for the DELE A1 Exam. Make sure to give yourself plenty of time to go through the different sections of the exam and to practice as much as possible.

It is also important to create a study plan and to stick to it. This will help you to stay focused and to stay on track.

Many students find that reading in Spanish is much easier than listening or speaking, but once they face the DELE A1, they fail on the reading part due to their lack of time management.

prepares DELE A1 Exam with the book
people, education, high school and learning concept – happy asian young woman student in glasses reading book and writing to notepad at home

2. Familiarize Yourself with the Exam Structure

The next step is to familiarize yourself with the exam structure. Make sure to go through the different sections of the exam and to understand the format and the time limits. This will help you to prepare more effectively and to maximize your chances of success.

The format of the exam is always the same, and being familiar with it will let you be more efficient and use your time in a smart way.

3. Practice with Sample Tests in order to Prepare DELE A1 Exam

It is also important to practice with sample tests. This will help you to get familiar with the format of the exam and to gauge your level of Spanish. There are various websites and books available which provide sample tests and practice materials. Make sure to go through these materials and to practice as much as possible.

In our DELE preparation courses, we will practice past papers and sample exams in order to become more efficient and to improve the time management in the different parts.

4. Master Spanish connectors

Many students struggle with the Speaking and writing parts. One of the main reasons is because they did not prepare on how to organize and connect the different ideas they want to express. A very good advice is to make a list on the most important connectors for the level you are doing, and master them in different contexts.

Here we give you some of the most important ones for the DELE A1:

para empezar, para terminar, en resumen, y, pero, también, sobre, es decir, por ejemplo, por eso, así que.

5. Focus on the Most Important Topics

Once you have a good understanding of the Spanish language, it is important to focus on the most important topics. Make sure to practice the topics which are most likely to come up in the exam. This will help you to maximize your chances of success.

For example, on the tasks 1 and 2 for the speaking exam, the topics are always the same ones. They are always about things important in your life, such as your hobbies, family, house, work…

6. Understand the Grammar Rules in order to Prepare DELE A1 Exam

One of the most important things to do is to understand the grammar rules. Make sure to go through the different grammar rules and to practice as much as possible. This will help you to develop a good understanding of the language and to improve your accuracy.

Our best advise is that you should master the grammar aspects shown below:

  • Present tense
  • Irregular verbs in present tense
  • reflexive verbs
  • masculine and feminine nouns and adjectives
  • definite and indefinite articles
  • demonstratives and possessives
  • special verbs like gustar, interesar and encantar
  • ….
Student prepares DELE A1 Exam

7. Familiarize Yourself with the Vocabulary

Another important step is to familiarize yourself with the vocabulary. Make sure to practice the different vocabulary words and to use them in your conversations. This will help you to develop a good command of the language and to communicate more effectively.

Prepare some lists of the most used verbs, nouns and adjectives related to the topics of the exam. Always take into account that nouns and adjectives have masculine, feminine, singular and plural.

8. Use Grammar Books & Apps

There are various grammar books and apps available which can help you to improve your Spanish language skills. Make sure to go through these materials and to practice as much as possible. This will help you to gain a better understanding of the language and to maximize your chances of success.

You can read our article about the top 5 apps to learn Spanish here

One of the most popular apps is Duolingo.

9. Practice Speaking with Native Speakers

One of the best ways to prepare for the DELE A1 Exam is to practice speaking with native Spanish speakers. This will help you to develop your pronunciation and to get familiar with the language. You can find native Spanish speakers through various websites and apps.

In Hong Kong you can find Language exchange partners in some Facebook groups such as:

The Spanish Language Exchange (Hong Kong)

Spanish Meetup Hong Kong

10. Take our DELE preparation classes at The Spanish Academy

Finally, if you are still struggling with the language, you can consider hiring a Spanish tutor. A tutor can provide you with personalized guidance and can help you to improve your Spanish language skills.

In our DELE Preparation courses, our professional teachers will guide you through all the different aspects in order to ace the exam. You will practice with real exercises from past papers, and the teacher will tell you all the tips and tricks in order to maximize your grade!

Check our DELE Preparation courses here.


The DELE A1 Exam is a great way to prove your Spanish language proficiency and is also a great way to assess your current level of Spanish. In this article, we have discussed 10 proven tips to ace your DELE A1 Exam. We hope that this article has been helpful and that you are now well-equipped to ace your DELE A1 Exam.

Good luck!

Posted in Spanish Learning Tips

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