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practice Spanish

So you finally took the first step and enrolled in a language school to learn Spanish. But we know that it doesn’t end there and like with any skill, practice makes perfect, and in this case, makes you fluent!

Going to a Spanish class for a few hours each week is not enough if you really want to be fluent. It requires patience, hard work and conscious effort to want to learn the language by heart. Good news is, there are several ways that you can do at home or in your office to help you practice, and best of all, these come at no extra cost!

Here are 5 tips that can help you practice your Spanish skills:

1) Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

Making a mistake whilst learning a new language can be embarrassing especially in front of your Spanish teachers. It’ human nature to be ashamed of making mistakes but what you have to understand is, learning a second language or any new skill has a learning curve. It takes time and patience so don’t be hard on yourself. In fact, we encourage you to make as many mistakes as you can because that’s how you’ll learn.

2) Change your phone settings to Spanish

The more you surround yourself with Spanish words, the faster you will learn. Changing your phone settings to Spanish is one of those ways that can help you heaps! Just think of how many hours a day you’re using your mobile phone or tablet? Every inch and button of your phone, you already know by heart, so changing your phone settings to Spanish should not be challenging at all! On the contrary, it will help you to be familiarized with the basic terms like send a message, turn off, restart, etc.

3) Listen to Spanish songs

How many songs in your language have you memorized just by listening to it over and over again? Songs you love so much that you even researched the correct lyrics just so you can sing your lungs out. We know you’re guilty of this because we are too! That said, you can do the same with Spanish songs! Find a Spanish song that is easy for your ears, listen to it as often as you can, research the lyrics and learn what each word means. And soon enough, your listening skills and vocabulary would have improved immensely!

4) Watch movies in Spanish

Similar to listening to Spanish music, watching movies in Spanish can also help improve your skills. If it’s hard for you to keep up because of different slangs used, you can also watch an English movie that you already know by heart and turn on the Spanish subtitles. And since you already know the movie inside out, you’d be more focused on learning the words and how they are pronounced.

5) Read The Little Prince in Spanish

Why The Little Prince? Frankly speaking, it can be any children’s book that you already know by heart. If you start reading the same book in Spanish, you will be more focused on learning the words because you already know what the book is all about. Because of that, your Spanish vocabulary would have significantly increased. One thing to note, always start with a children’s book and move up from there.

Whatever your reason is for wanting to learn Spanish, follow through is just as important as enrolling in a Spanish class. And if you need help, don’t hesitate to ask your teachers at The Spanish Academy! See you there!

Posted in Spanish Learning Tips

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